Tuesday 14 June 2016


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's topic is Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half of The Year.

So here is my list!

1. Sweet Little Lies (Heartbreaker Bay, #1) by Jill Shalvis. I love Jill Shalvis's writing and this series has got a great synopsis. 
Release date: 28th June, 2016.

2. P.S.I Like You by Kasie West. I am seeing this book everywhere and love the synopsis. Its a YA, contemporary Romance. Its a my kind book.
Release date: 26th July, 2016.

3. It Ends with US by Colleen Hoover. Its a CoHo book, of course I am waiting for it.
Release date: 2nd August, 2016.

4.Under the Lights (The Field Party, #2) by Abbi Glines. I loved the first book and love this author as well. And it is about my favourite character, Brady, so can't wait for this book!
Release date: 23rd August, 2016.

5.The Trouble with Mistletoe (Heartbreaker Bay, #2) by Jill Shalvis. This is the second book in the trilogy. I can't wait to get my hands on this trilogy!
Release date: 27th September, 2016.

6. Fire in You (Wait For You, #6) by J.Lynn. I like this series and this author's writing so have to read this one as soon as it releases!
Release date: October, 2016.

7. Archangel's Heart by Nalini Singh. I LOVE this series and this author. Cannot wait literally for this book!
Release date: 1st November, 2016. 

8. Heartless by Marissa Meyer. I loved Cinder books so can't to read more of her books!
Release date: 8th November, 2016.

9. Someone Like You (Oxford, #3) by Lauren Layne. Okay, first its of my favourite character Lincoln and the female protagonist is going to be Emma's twin from The Trouble with Love. I just cannot wait any longer for this one!
Release date: 13th December, 2016.

10. Untitled (Rock Kiss, #4) by Nalini Singh. Its Abe and Sarah's full lenght book. I just can't can't wait for long. I need this book now!
Release date: Sometime later this year.


  1. I'm waiting for Heartless too

    1. I can't wait for it. Expecting some awesome story! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Awesome! I can't wait for it!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Kasie West is my on list to read and has been for a while, her books look fantastic!

  4. I'm also looking forward to P.S. I Love You. Katie West always writes such great fun contemp.

    1. Yeah this is going to be my first book of hers.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Heartless. YES! I can't wait to read something by Marissa Meyer that isn't the Lunar Chronicles. I love those books, but I'm curious to see what else she can do.

  6. I had some of these on my list as well - so much to be excited about! Can't believe I forgot It Ends with US though! I've been crazy excited for that!

    1. Haha that's ok, it happens. I forgot so many books. I am crazy excited about so many releases this year! Can't wait for all the books

  7. Woohoo!! A list where I actually recognize all the authors! I kind of forgot about CoHo's new release, but I'm so behind on her books it's not really a surprise. It will definitely be going on my wishlist. I have yet to read a Kasie West, but she sounds like my kind of author. :)

    1. P.S.I Like You is going to be my first read by her. CoHo's books are always on my list even though sometimes they disappoint me like Ugly Love and Maybe Someday..

  8. Ack! How did I forget Fire in You (Wait For You, #6) by JLA on our list?! Well, I can't wait to see how the final book goes in this series. I hope we get to see all of our favorites and it ends with a bang! Fabulous list! :)

    1. Thank you! Yeah haha happens. I can't wait either! I hope so too!
