Friday 17 June 2016

Feature and Follow #9

Feature & Follow time is here!!

Feature & Follow is a meme hosted by two hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Feature and Follow’s goal is to promote the book blogging and author community to join together and support each other – even if it is just through a simple follow. For rules visit Parajunkee and Alison's blogs!

This week's post prompt is
5 websites you love to lurk around that are not shopping sites
The websites I love to lurk are:
1. Instagram 
I am loving bookstagraming now and love to see other bookstagram posts!
2. Goodreads
Its not even a surprise that it is on top 5 website list of a reader, am I right?
3. Pinterest and Twitter
I feel like I spend same amount of time on both the sites..
I don't even get it sometimes where the time goes on Pinterest looking at all the DIYs and Home decor and everything.
4. Many blogs book blogs. 
I have lost count the number of book blogs I go through on the daily basis.
5. Beauty, food, lifestyle blogs.
I just had to put it there. Because my day isn't complete if I don't go through at least one blog on beauty, food and lifestyle.

What about you?

Leave links to your Feature & Follow down in the comments below and I will follow back. :)


  1. I still can't get my head around Pinterest! Love Twitter though.

    Stephanie Jane @ Literary Flits

    1. Hahaha I think its a good thing. Because once you get into Pinterest its very hard to get out and do other things.

  2. Oh yea, Instagram is another one of my weaknesses. I'm an old GFC follower :) Thanks for stopping by my #FF

    1. I am really liking Instagram :)
      Thanks for stopping by too!

  3. I can't do Pinterest or I'll be on there for hours @_@ Everything else I agree with! :D

    1. Hahaha same its so hard to get out once you're on Pinterest!

  4. I left out Instagram but I use the others! Nice choices. Old follower.

  5. Goodreads may not be a shopping site, but it costs me more money than any other site I use. Other people's shelves will be the death of me!

    Old follower, happy f&f Friday!

  6. Great choices I only lurk on all my social media sites as well including sometimes I watch some Booktubes video's. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog. Old Follower.

  7. I read lots of lifestyle and food blogs too. What are your favorites?

    1. Suggest me some too! I am only getting to discover these blogs now. I don't have favourites yet, I am currently liking Poppy Deyes's blog, and soemtimes I go through Zoella(Youtuber's blog), Reading My tea Leaves, 15 Minute Beauty Fanatic, iamafoodblog, Jamie Oliver..
