Review Policy

I am always up for reading, hence will always be up for books to review, and they can be ARCs or published books. I read YA, NA and Adult books. But I do have some genre preferences, Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Historical, Fairy Retellings and Mystery and most important every genre has to have some Romance in it. Genres that I don't prefer are non-fiction and horror.

I accept .mobi or .pdf files. If I accept a book, I will review it even if I DNF it. Though I will try my best to not do that because I don't usually DNF books. I will be honest and fair with my reviews, though I am very lenient with the reviews so it should be fine and my rating system is mentioned on the blog.

Also if I don't accept your book, it will either be because I don't have time for the review books or it's not my genre preference or the book just didn't attract my attention, so please don't take it personally.

Hopefully, I have covered all the grounds and if you still have any questions or want to send review requests, please contact me via email. Thank you!
My email id is: abooklionshideaway(at)gmail(dot)com

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