Tuesday 24 November 2015


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted and created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, they post a new theme and everyone is invited to join in!

This week's topic is Top Ten Bookish things that I am Thankful for:

I love books. They're my life. So without further ado here is the list of 10 bookish things that I am thankful for:

1. Let me start off with just the books. I am thankful for all the books in the world. They benefit some, make someone smile or make someone just feel something, so yeah thank you for that!

2. Now I'll talk a little about authors and no doubt first author I am thankful for is Nalini Singh! Thank you for creating Psy-Changeling books and writing/publishing all the short stories and deleted scenes(I love them!)

3. I am thankful to Jill Shalvis for creating Lucky Harbor World! Its my go to happy place. She is really a cool person with an awesome blog and so many amazing books!

4. I am thankful to all the authors that I read books of. There are just so many that I am thankful to. That it's impossible to thank everyone and not forget someone. So, I'll thank each and every single one author just at once. Just in case if you want to check which all authors? They're there in my goodreads list! :P

5. I started blogging and have come to know so many great blogs and people cause of it! Love bookish bloggers! There're so many really great bloggers! They inspire me!

6. My Instagram has totally turned into bookstagram and I am so impressed with it. I not only enjoy uploading bookish photos but also coming to know so many bookstagrammers(its not a word, I know. LOL). They're all really amazing and love so many posts on IG! I am really inspired by them. I don't know what I would upload most of the time if it weren't for books. 

7. Thankful to books again. Similar to the first one but this one is personal. I learnt so much from books, my grammar definitely has become better. I have to come so many interesting/cool stuff cause of books! I have grown up so much cause of it. Like with the change of genre in my reading from YA to NA to Adult I change too, I feel. I still go back and read YA but I have started reading Adult genre too and I think that made me a bit mature. 

8. I am thankful to books (again!) for making my life really interesting cause I can just jump from one world to another. A book is not just a book but its a whole another world, I love to spend time in.

9. This is a non-bookish one. I am thankful for my Family of course. For supporting even though you think I am making mistakes and letting me be the crazy me and all.

10. Last but not the least, I am thankful for my two best friends. Janhvi, being that calm and  pleasant person. Introducing me to this bookish world and just so thankful that our taste in books match and that is why, this has been so much fun! Helping me out in almost everything! She's kinda my makeup and book guru. And Neharika for being crazy and strong person. She's my partner in crime(Not that I commit some amazing/cool crimes) but embarrassing ones lol. 

So,  this was my top ten list. What about you? Let me know.


  1. I need to some more exploring of Bookstagram! Awesome List! Thanks for following, I followed back on bloglovin, and GFC!!

  2. I love your comment about how a book is not just a book, it's a whole 'nother world. It's so true! And you're right, we do some bookish thankful things in common :-)

  3. Oooh nice list! Book definitely deserve more than one place on the list! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Great Post! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Here's my Top Ten Tuesday

  5. Aww this is such a sweet post Priyanka! I am very thankful for having you in my life too. Books just make everything better :) <3

  6. Great list - there's so many bookish things to be thankful for! And thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  7. Lovely list :-) So many things to be thankful for.
