Friday 6 November 2015

Feature and Follow Friday # 7

Feature & Follow is a meme hosted by two hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Every week, 2 blogs will be featured allowing everyone to discover some new blogs!

Today's question:

If you could take the place of one author which author would it be and what changes would you make in his/her writing style? – Suggested by NJKinny’s World of Books & Stuff. 
I don't think I wanna take place of any author. Because no matter how best the book is or if the book is crappy, I haven't put any effort into it. Not gone through what the writers go through for that particular book. Sure, if I have some problems with the book, I write it in my review but I never felt like changing someone's writing style.

What about you?
Leave links to your Feature & Follow down in the comments below and I will follow back. :)


  1. Not sure anyone wants to take the over an authors book.

    Thanks for stopping onto my blog. Following back on GFC

  2. Yup. That's how I feel as well!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I feel like there is going to be at least one person who likes the author's style.

    I'm following you back via GFC!

  4. Totally agree! I feel the choice an author makes are from a slew of background information I don't have access to. I am a continuing follower. Have a great weekend.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry I forgot to put New Bloglovin Follower and Old Google+ Follower. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog. :)
