Tuesday 1 December 2020


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and previously hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl 

Happy December!! This is my favorite month of the year and yet I freaked when I saw that 1st December on the calendar today.. But bookish things always cheer me up and this topic is making me want to reread all the books I searched for today's topic!
This week’s topic is Books I Want to Read Again, I kid you not I am already deciding on which book to reread tonight!!

1. The book that got me into small-town Christmas romances: Simply Irresistible by Jill Shalvis

6,7,8 and 9 are all from Heartbreaker Bay series by Jill Shalvis giving all the Christmas cozy vibes:

And a bonus for 10, its all the Christmas novellas by Jill Shalvis!!

Do we have any of these in common?
What are your top ten books? Leave the links to your posts too!


  1. All of these books look so Christmas-y and fun. :)

    My post.

  2. These look like really great holiday reads!

  3. Nice list! I haven't read a Jill Shalvis novel in years.

  4. #2 is one I still need to read! I read all the rest of the books in the series. I should go back and read that one.

  5. OOh nice list! I don't really to get to read holiday themed books being a paranormal reader. There are short story anthologies though that sometimes have a holiday theme to them. So I have read a few. I think I counted out 5 in my head! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I'm shocked that it's December 1st as well. In some ways, this year has dragged on and on - in others, it's totally flown by. Crazy. I hope you get a chance to re-read all these. They look like fun holiday reads!

    Happy TTT!

  7. This is actually a great time to re-read some of these! I hope you get to some of them!

    My Top Ten

  8. I haven't read any of these, but definitely adding them to my TBR! I haven't picked up a book with a Christmas setting in such a long time and they really look like they'd be super cozy and fun to get through during the holidays. Hopefully, I'll get around to reading -at least some of- them soon!

  9. Oh, all of these look wonderful! I'm in such a Christmas-read mood, so these couldn't have come at a better time. I definitely need to check out A Christmas Wish. Erin Green's other work has been great.
