Tuesday 4 April 2017


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's topic is Top Ten fandoms I am into.

I love reading, binge watching tv shows and movies, so there are quite a few fandoms I am into.

1.Psy-Changeling series:

I LOVE LOVE this series. Like this is my TOP favourite series and so this is at the top my fandom list. I follow this series by following the author, Nalini Singh's blog, have endless discussions with my best friend who loves this series just as much and have endless discussions again with readers who love this series too.
2. Supernatural:  

Love this series, love Jensen, Jared and Misha everybody in the show. I used to watch it on tv then started rewatching it with my friend and love it even more. I follow Jensen and Jared on twitter and Instagram they're just as fun as Dean and Sam.

3. Lucky Harbor:

This series made me fall in love with small town light romance stories. I love the author, Jill Shalvis, I follow her on various social media, she is really fun which shows in her books.

4. Marvel's Avengers:

I like DC too of course, cause it has Batman and Superman and Wonderwoman but I prefer Marvel. I really like this world and watch every movie, I cannot go without watching them. Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye are my favourite. 

5. DC TV shows:

I might prefer Marvel with the movies but I do love DC TV shows, Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl all three are my favourite shows. Though I have yet to catch up with the new seasons, I do really like to think I am into the fandom cause I kinda follow all three shows storylines everywhere and discuss a lot about them with my bookstagram friends.

6. Lisa Kleypas Historical Books:

I just started reading her historical books last year, but now I cannot stop reading them at all. So a major fan of her Historical books.

7. Disney:

I love all the movies by Disney. Love watch and rewatching them since childhood. So this had to make the list. 

8. Marvel's X-Men:

I wasn't that into X-Men before last year, I started watching it with my best friend and now I LOVE X-Men, I even want to read the comics, wish they were all available here in India. 

9. Modern Family:

I love a lot of sitcoms but this is my top favourite. I watch all the episodes as soon as they're out.

10. Beverages:

I am not kidding. I love all the beverages, I in fact have a pin board on pinterest for just coffee and tea. Follow coffee and tea pages everywhere. I love kinds of beverages, hot and cold. From simple black coffee to a pink lemonade, Hot chocolate to Iced Tea to some crazy difficult drink, everything. Sadly I am lactose intolerant so can't drink a lot of milk drinks but I manage and love them.

So there you go. These are my top ten. What are yours?


  1. Me whenever I hear the word fandom: DOCTOR WHO!! :D

    1. Hahaha oh yeah but I've never watched the show! :D

  2. The X-Men are great. I love the movies, but I also really liked the animated show as well. Here is my TTT.

    1. I never watched the animated show, but you know what there are so many things happening in the timelines that they don't show in the movies, I feel like I should just watch the animated shows to fully enjoy it.

  3. How cool that you love trying different beverages. That's really neat. I need to branch out more. I also love Supernatural but sadly have fallen so far behind!

    1. Hahaha thanks. You should totally watch and get on track with Supernatural!!

  4. Disney is on my list too! http://shoshireads.weebly.com/home/top-ten-tuesday7004322

    1. Yay go Disney lol. I love all the movies by them. :)

  5. I love your list. :-) I haven't read too many of the Lucky Harbor books, but I would like to read them all eventually. And the Avengers are pretty cool, I agree! We both have Supernatural on our lists, I see. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Yes! Read Lucky Harbor books soon! Yay for Supernatural!

  6. Hey! I'm an X-Men and Avengers fan too! Thanks for sharing your list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  7. Oh Lucky Harbor - YES!
    I'm also a Marvel's Avengers fan - plus Flash and Supergirl!

  8. I love Disney too!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/04/top-ten-tuesday-101/

  9. Fantastic list! I love Lucky Harbor and Lisa Kleypas books! I really need to read her newest group - especially Devil in Spring.

  10. Great list! Modern Family is awesome! Have a great week!
