Friday 7 August 2015

Feature and Follow Friday #6

Feature & Follow is a meme hosted by two hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Every week, 2 blogs will be featured allowing everyone to discover some new blogs!

Today's question:

If you could have three wishes granted, what would they be? - Life is Reading

1. To have a very big book shelf that takes up a room, like library.
2. Money to buy that kind of a house that has the "library" and to settle down in some small town, like Lucky Harbor town in Lucky Harbor series by Jill Shalvis. So that, I don't have to ever work and just read/write.
3. Get 3 more wishes.
What about you?
Leave links to your Feature & Follow down in the comments below and I will follow back. :)


  1. I'd love a nice house with a library too! Great wishes, especially the wish for three more, lol! Thanks for visiting Bookworm Book Reviews! New bloglovin follower. :)

  2. Nice! Seeing so many wish for more wishes! I guess I thought that wish was out because the Genie said so! LOL!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. A library with some very comfy reading chairs would be very nice. Love it. Following back on Bloglovin'!

  4. I love your bookish wishes and your wish for more wishes is so clever! Thanks for visiting my blog. Old follower :)

  5. Getting 3 more wishes does sound amazing!

    Thanks for stopping by! New follower via GFC

  6. I'd love a house with a library!

    My FF (this is on a new blog):
