Friday 5 June 2015

Feature & Follow Friday #3

 GFC email

Feature & Follow is a meme hosted by two hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Every week, 2 blogs will be featured allowing everyone to discover some new blogs!

Today's question:

How would you pitch to the biz to make your favourite book into a movie? via Girl of 1000 Wonders

I love books, movies and TV shows(separately). But book into movie? Hmm. At first, I used to want all my favourite books to be made into movies especially paranormal fantasy ones cause I used to feel like every movie could be made like Harry Potter but lately with all the popular books turning into movies and TV shows, I have realized that "books are always better than the movie". The cast, scenes, dialogues and all that could hugely change how I view the book. Hence I wouldn't pitch in.

Leave links to your Feature & Follow down in the comments below and I will follow back. :) 


  1. I agree, I use to want everything turned into a movie then I realized it wouldn't be the same and it would probably ruin the book for me.

    New Follower. Tina, The Bookworm

  2. I'd rather have the book made into a TV show than a movie. So much more can be done that way.

    Check out my FF!

  3. I feel the same way about the majority of movies made from good book. But I still always want my favorite books to be made into movies. I'm sure I'd still have problems with them and prefer the book though. I guess I'm a suck for disappointment. Haha!

    My FF!

  4. Yes, it's true that movie adaptations can at times be pretty disappointing, but I've seen at least two movies that I thought were BETTER than the book, believe it or not!

    One of these movies was "Dr.Zhivago". The novel was written by Boris Pasternak. The main character was played by Omar Sharif, who looked totally YUMMY back then! The other movie was "Shining Through", with Michael Douglas and Melanie Griffith. The book was written by Susan Isaacs. I bought the book AFTER I had seen the movie THREE times! I thought the novel would be just as exciting, and the characters just as interesting as the ones in the movie. Nope! The book turned out to be a complete BORE, and I ditched it.

    So you see, you never really know.....

    I know that the four books I mentioned in my post would make AMAZING movies, if the directors were to be faithful to the authors' work, of course.

    Thanks for commenting on my post, and following my blog two different ways! I'm now following you with GFC & Bloglovin', too!! : )

    1. Oh! Thank you for telling me I'll definitely look into it then! Thank you for doing the same :)

  5. yes! Paranormal fantasy books would be great to see in bigscreen,, if done right,, :)

    Old follower.. Thanks for the visit,.:)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You're right, sometimes it is better to keep beloved books away from themovies.But every time i see a fantasy book optioned for a movie, I am always hopeful, because HP was done so well. It was perfect, but it was true to the books. Then again, lightning doesn't strike twice does it? Followed on Bloglovin too :)
