Friday 29 January 2021


 Book Beginnings is a book meme hosted by Rose City Reader where participants share the first sentence (or so) of the book, along with initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice, and the rules are quite simple: Grab a book, any book, turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader. Find any non-spoilery sentence(s) and post. 
Book Blogger Hop created by coffeeaddictedwriter, where each week the hop starts on a Friday and ends the following Thursday with a weekly prompt featuring some bookish question.
This week’s book: 

Goodreads Summary: 

Anne Wynter might not be who she says she is...

But she's managing quite well as a governess to three highborn young ladies. Her job can be a challenge—in a single week she finds herself hiding in a closet full of tubas, playing an evil queen in a play that might be a tragedy (or might be a comedy—no one is sure), and tending to the wounds of the oh-so-dashing Earl of Winstead. After years of dodging unwanted advances, he's the first man who has truly tempted her, and it's getting harder and harder to remind herself that a governess has no business flirting with a nobleman.

Daniel Smythe-Smith Might be in mortal danger...

But that's not going to stop the young earl from falling in love. And when he spies a mysterious woman at his family's annual musicale, he vows to pursue her, even if that means spending his days with a ten-year-old who thinks she's a unicorn. But Daniel has an enemy, one who has vowed to see him dead. And when Anne is thrown into peril, he will stop at nothing to ensure their happy ending...


"Winstead, you bloody cheat!" Daniel Smythe-Smith blinked. He was a little bit drunk, but he thought someone had just accused him of cheating at cards.

"She's already threatened to take me to the country for a week. For rest and recuperation."
He swallowed a chuckle. "She's concerned about you."

I loved the first book and I'm currently reading this one and liking it as well! Julia Quinn is hilarious! I love the humor!
Book Blogger Hop
This week's question prompt is Do you share books? If so, do you have a system to keep track of whom you lend books to?
I did a few times in school and then I didn't have a proper collection of books and lost them, so when I started collecting books properly in college I never shared since then.

Which book features in your Friday Reads this week? Comment the links to your posts below, I would love to visit your blog!


  1. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for sharing!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  2. I could stand to read more humor in my life. Glad you are enjoying it. My book is Writers and Lovers

  3. I need to give Julia Quinn's books a try. This sounds like a fun read. I hope you are enjoying it! Have a great week!
