Tuesday 18 August 2020

TOP TEN TUESDAY | Ten Books that Should be Adapted into Netflix Shows/Movies

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and previously hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl 

This week's topic seems to be perfect at the moment for me since I have been watching a lot Kdrama adaptations of books on Netflix and I'm enjoying them(I haven't read those books though, maybe that's why I'm enjoying it more?), so without further ado on to this week's topic, which is Books that should be adapted into Netflix shows/movies. 

His Fair Assassin series turning into a Netflix series would be a visual delight, a historical paranormal series filled with mysteries and adventures.
A series about brothers who play rugby in New Zealand written by Nalini Singh would make such a good drama series!!
Set in San Francisco, but giving that small-town vibe because of the community created by a group of friends, a series based on their stories showing different seasons in San Francisco gives off a bit Gilmore Girls vibe.
This show would be so unique as the series is based on aerial acts performed in the circus in Vegas! The visual experience would be absolutely ah-meh-zing!
I can imagine a cute movie based on this book kind of like Confessions of a Shopaholic! 
I had to add a historical romance series because I love watching shows from the historical time period and any historical series by Lisa Kleypas would be perfect for a series, assuming they do it right.
A series about lawyers and FBI mixed with romance and mystery is always fun to watch and this series written by Julie James is so so GOOD, I almost really wish they adapt this into a series and make her the main writer for the show too.
I imagined this series in so many ways, I almost wanted to see it for real in front of my eyes, the city visuals of Prague.. This YA paranormal would definitely be a good one to adapt into a show!
This NA book was so realistic, it made me cry even, it would definitely be a good movie to watch too!
Now this fairy retelling, sci-fi series would make a great show!! I so want to see this world on tv or on theatre screens!

Do we have any of these in common?
What are your top ten books? Leave the links to your posts too!


  1. Good choices. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/2020/08/ttt-081820.html

  2. Oh yeah, Cinder! That would WOULD be good - a cyborg Cinderella.....I can see it now! I didn't think of that one....
    my list: https://www.bookshelfjourneys.com/post/top-10-books-for-netflix

  3. Cinder would be amazing in the theatre!

    My TTT .

  4. OOh nice picks! Mostly new to me ones too, but Lunar Chronicles would definitely be fun!!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Most of the contemporary shows I watch are police procedurals, so I'd be in the for the Julie James series even though I haven't heard of the books.

    Happy TTT!

  6. Great list! I hope the Lunar Chronicles get made into movies. I have not read the books but I need to put them on my TBR on goodreads.
    Here is TTT.
