Wednesday 25 April 2018

Blogging Again and Reading Slumps...

Hello Everyone! Hope everyone is doing great, it's been a while. I thought I would make a comeback post and explain why I was on a blogging hiatus.

I wasn't blogging because of a couple of reasons the main one being I was in a reading slump and didn't have anything to talk much about books. I was watching a lot of tv shows, studying for my finals, discovered a new Kpop group BTS and love their music and them but there was no reading involved. 
I am now reading everyday and finally think I am out of the slump so I felt like blogging again hence I am back! Since I'm out of the slump now, I thought I would share some tips to get out of the reading slump which helped me. 
*Note: These are not guaranteed tips or anything so I am not sure these will work for everyone but these things did help me so give it a try. 

1. Talk with the fellow readers. If you have a book club or book best friends online or in real life, I suggest you keep in touch with them and talk about what they are reading. You may end up discovering a story you have to absolutely read. If not immediately, you can add it to your TBR and someday you will feel like picking it up. I actually ended up reading Fraternize by Rachel Van Dyken immediately because my friend loved it.

2. Stay on social media if you like a particular site or something. I didn't post a lot or spoke about books but I love Instagram and Twitter so I stayed in touch with the bookish people. Besides it being fun, I got inspired to pick up a book once and got hella inspired to study because I follow some studygram accounts.

3. REREADING! This helped me majorly. There are quite a lot of books I always want to reread but never have enough time. So whenever the mood struck me to reread, I did. I didn't read books properly at first but just went through them and then I actually ended up rereading few books from my favourite series called Psy-Changeling by Nalini Singh.

4. I haven't tried this but I will if I go into a reading slump next time, watching stuff. Either a book to movie/TV show adaptations or videos by booktubers. This might help to get into reading.

So these are my tips. If you have some of your own tips or if you have already tried this let me know! I would also like to know if any of these are new to you and plan on trying them. Thank you for reading this post!


  1. Great post, and welcome back to blogging! I recently went through a similar slump and couldn't find anything that really kept my attention. In this post I talked about going to my bookshelf, picking up different books, and only reading the first sentence to see if it would hook me. I went with the first book to capture my attention and found one of my favorite reads so far this year.

    1. Oh that's sounds nice! I'll check out your post!

  2. Welcome back and I think your tips seem very helpful. I sometimes find myself on the verge of a slump but then I pick up a graphic novel or comic and try to move on. Most of the times it helps. Or chick lit. I read a lot of horror and thrillers so chick lit or cozies help break things up. Sounds like you enjoyed your time away though and really, isn't that what's important!

    1. Oh a genre change sounds like a nice idea! I'll try the next time!! I did. And exactly that's very important.

  3. Glad to hear you're out of your slump and back to reading and blogging! Rereading is definitely something I do when nothing new looks appealing.

    1. rereading is the best option I have discovered during reading slump! Thank you!

  4. Welcome back, Priyanka! Reading slumps are the worst! When I'm in one, I usually watch a lot of TV, reread The Hating Game or ask for book recommendations on Twitter. Or I try to read a new fluffy romance e-book (but this doesn't always work out).

    1. Nothing is guaranteed I feel, but sometimes some things just work. I LOVED The Hating Game!

  5. Welcome back! I wish I had a bookclub, where they read the books I want to read. I wonder if a buddy read would yield similar results?

    1. Thank you! I wish I had a bookclub with similar tastes as mine too but buddy reading definitely works! It excites me to discuss the book haha.

  6. Welcome back! Reading slumps are horrible. You've got some great tips! Whenever I'm in a slump, I pick up a book from a genre I haven't read in awhile (or sometimes a completely new-to-me genre) and that usually helps. But rereading an old favorite is always a surefire way to help me out too.

    1. Thank you! Genre change sounds good!! I am going to try that the next time!! Rereading is the best!

  7. Good tips. I find one of the things that helps me sometimes is to read a just a little at a time - like while eating lunch or during a commercial break while watching television. Welcome back. New bloglovin' follower. Old GFC follower.

    1. Thank you! yeah that sounds good! I'll try that the next time!! and thank you for following too!

  8. These are very good suggestions, and I'm glad they helped you get over your reading slump. I look forward to your future posts.

    1. Thank you!! I will blog more often for sure, now that I am reading and have things to talk about.

  9. I think talking with fellow readers and staying active in the bookish community (even if it's just goodreads or twitter!) is super helpful! Welcome back!

  10. Reading slumps are of course the worst, but I love that so many of us in the community has experienced it that we can talk about. Rereading can be a great way to get out of a slump. Personally, I let myself not read for a bit and graphic novels have also really helped when I don't feel like picking up a full-length novel. Great tips!

    1. I know slumps are the worst but book community helps! I will try that! It sounds good, reading graphic novels, comics or novellas probably.! Thank you!

  11. Welcome back! Reading slumps are NO fun but I like your tricks for tackling them. I get sucked into Netflix shows sometimes and my reading always takes a hit when that happens lol. oops!

    1. Hahaha netflix can prove a great distraction lol!! Slumps really do suck!

  12. Welcome back and I have gotten in reading slumps before. I have never tried rereading as a trick tho. Good points on it tho!


    1. Thank you! Slumps are really no fun so hope they work for you if you are on the verge of the slump.

  13. These are some great tips! Welcome back! :)

  14. Great tips and welcome back! I'm so glad to hear you're out of your reading slump. Those are just the worst.

  15. I am so happy to see your return!! I have seen you on Twitter every now and then. I am not on there much, actually. I really hate those reading slumps and I hope that you enjoy something wonderful to share with us again. I think that rereading an old favourite is a great idea. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Olivia! I hope so too! This comment has lifted my spirits for some reason haha thanks! See yah around!

  16. I am glad you have found your way out of your reading slump, and are blogging again. I have found that stepping away sometimes helps me. I give myself permission to focus on other things I might have been neglecting because of my reading and blogging. Your tips are good ones too!

    1. Thank you! I did that exactly its so important! I focused on other things most of the time and enjoyed doing other stuff and then I tried following these things and I actually enjoyed reading so these helped. Thanks again!

  17. I love rereading when I'm in a slump :)
    I found that lowering my reading goal helped too, as it took off some of the pressure.
    Cora |
