Saturday 14 October 2017


Stacking The Shelves is hosted by  Tynga's Reviews and it's all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Hello Everyone!

I thought today I'll post about the physical copies which I got since August from secondhand book sales. The books were so cheap! I am so happy with my haul that I thought I'll make a special post of all my paperbacks haul.

(Click on the links to go to the Goodreads pages of the mentioned books)


I already have I Heart New York and I was very happy to find two more from that series. I also already had Darkest Mercy from the Wicked Lovely series, so I was ecstatic to find two more books from this series. I have been wanting to read Born in trilogy since a long time and unfortunately, while I didn't get Born in Fire, I got the other two and I can't wait to start reading this series!


This haul was not from a second-hand book sale but these books were on sale and I love Nalini Singh so any book by her is on sale there is no doubt that I will get it and Mills and Boons is always fun to read. I also got another mills and Boons book by Sarah Morgan because I wanted to read her books from a long time so this seemed like a good start.


I have only one book in this month's haul but it's only the 14th so there's still time. I got this one because it was on my TBR for a long time!

These are the new addition to my shelf. I would love to know about yours so comment your post links down below! 


  1. OOoh nice! See some new to me ones and some familiar ones! Hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I wasn't a big fan of Pawn but I also remember I read it back when dystopian books were everywhere and I was sick of the genre. I do hope you'll enjoy it a whole lot more!

    1. I am not a big fan of dystopian but this book sounds interesting and has been on my tbr for a long time so when I saw it was cheaper than $1, I got it. Hope I like it haha

  3. Hey, not bad! You got a ton of awesome-looking books. I remember reading Pawn and liking it, but I never continued with the series. I'm not even sure why. O_O But I can't remember the book now. Another bites the dust, I think. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week, Priyanka. =)

    Check out my STS post!

    1. Thank you so much Alyssa! It happens to me too sometimes I like some book but never end up continuing with the series because I forget about it because there are SO many books!! Haha

  4. Enjoy your book and your bookish things. Great hauls! Great presentations, too. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Thank you so much and no problem, thanks for visiting me too!

  5. They look awesome. I hope you'll enjoy them all. Have a wonderful week and happy reading. 😁❤️

  6. You got some fantastic new additions to your shelves these past weeks, Priyanka! I hope you'll enjoy them all.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  7. Nice haul! I love the cover of Pawn! I hope you'll enjoy all the books you got! Have a great week and happy reading!

  8. Enjoy your books! Thanks for stopping by my sts.


  9. Great books! Enjoy them! Have a great week!

  10. Great hauls! I love the Wicked Lovely series! Thanks for visiting my STS!

  11. I still need to read the last 2 books in Marr's fairy series. *sigh*

    Enjoy your new lovelies, and thanks for visiting Shell's Stories!

  12. Ooo. Nice! I keep meaning to read more Nalini Singh! I love the way you've styled the books.

  13. I hope you enjoy your books. Your photography is awesome. I usually don't have the drive, creativity, or a good enough camera to do anything besides post a book cover.
    My STS/Sunday Post

  14. Beautiful photos :) Happy reading!

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  15. Looks like an amazing haul and I love your pics! Have a great week. - Katie

  16. That's a nice-sized haul -- something to sink your teeth into, but not overwhelming, haha. Hope you enjoy!

  17. Oh I love finding good deals on great books! Enjoy all your steals ;)
