Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Blogging Again and Reading Slumps...

Hello Everyone! Hope everyone is doing great, it's been a while. I thought I would make a comeback post and explain why I was on a blogging hiatus.

I wasn't blogging because of a couple of reasons the main one being I was in a reading slump and didn't have anything to talk much about books. I was watching a lot of tv shows, studying for my finals, discovered a new Kpop group BTS and love their music and them but there was no reading involved. 
I am now reading everyday and finally think I am out of the slump so I felt like blogging again hence I am back! Since I'm out of the slump now, I thought I would share some tips to get out of the reading slump which helped me. 
*Note: These are not guaranteed tips or anything so I am not sure these will work for everyone but these things did help me so give it a try. 

1. Talk with the fellow readers. If you have a book club or book best friends online or in real life, I suggest you keep in touch with them and talk about what they are reading. You may end up discovering a story you have to absolutely read. If not immediately, you can add it to your TBR and someday you will feel like picking it up. I actually ended up reading Fraternize by Rachel Van Dyken immediately because my friend loved it.

2. Stay on social media if you like a particular site or something. I didn't post a lot or spoke about books but I love Instagram and Twitter so I stayed in touch with the bookish people. Besides it being fun, I got inspired to pick up a book once and got hella inspired to study because I follow some studygram accounts.

3. REREADING! This helped me majorly. There are quite a lot of books I always want to reread but never have enough time. So whenever the mood struck me to reread, I did. I didn't read books properly at first but just went through them and then I actually ended up rereading few books from my favourite series called Psy-Changeling by Nalini Singh.

4. I haven't tried this but I will if I go into a reading slump next time, watching stuff. Either a book to movie/TV show adaptations or videos by booktubers. This might help to get into reading.

So these are my tips. If you have some of your own tips or if you have already tried this let me know! I would also like to know if any of these are new to you and plan on trying them. Thank you for reading this post!